
Dobong District Council. A Council that Sees, Feel and Works Together With the Citizens
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Administrative Audit/Investigation

  • Functions
  • Administrative Audit/Investigation

Administrative Audit·Investigation

  • Administration Office Auditis The period of within 9 days during the ordinary meeting is decided every year on the district office at the district court. For all administrative office matters, the execution status is exactly grasped and the necessary data and information are gathered for budget screening and parliamentary politics to find the wrong parts and require correction so that effective administration can be performed.
  • Administration Office Investigationis More than 1/3 signatures of the council members are sponsored to investigate the facts on specific agenda by the standing council members and special committee through decision of this council and the correction is requested or forced to find measures. Administration Office Audit and Investigation controls and checks the local governments executed by the local council to become an administration for the citizens.
  • When needed for administration Office Audit and Investigation, the actual place can be checked or document submission can be requested to allow the person regarding the office or office worker or Head of Gu to attend as witness to make oath and give testimony or request for statement.
  • Head of Dobong-gu or related office workers attend the council or Dobong-gu Council to see the process of the administrative office or speak out and respond to questions.